Parent-Teacher Communication

Parent-Teacher Meetings and Reporting 

Objective :

To foster effective communication between parents and teachers regarding student progress, development, and any areas of concern or excellence. These meetings are designed to ensure that parents are well-informed about their child's academic and behavioural performance and to collaboratively plan for their continued growth and success. 

Frequency and Scheduling Annual Meetings: 

Parent-teacher meetings will be held at least once each academic year. Additional meetings can be scheduled as needed based on student performance or specific parental or teacher concerns. Advance Notice: Parents will be notified well in advance of the meeting dates to ensure maximum attendance and preparation. Preparation by Teachers





  • 年度会议:每学年至少召开一次家长-教师会议。根据学生表现或特定的家长或教师关切,可额外安排会议。

  • 提前通知:会议日期将提前通知家长,以确保尽可能多的家长能够出席并做好准备。